I have been a big brother for 3 months now, and I must say, I am the best at it. Pretty sure this "job" was created for me! I poke faces, body slam,and disrupt naps with the best of them. But I also snuggle, feed and throw away diapers with lots of love! They were calling this weekend the "Great Melt of 2011" but so far we still have 3 inches of ice on our driveway. I am MORE then ready to go outside and show Quincy parks, wagon rides, and even grass! (We haven't seen that in about three months) We are all currently healthy, after the flu swept thru here like a wild fire. Qunicy is recovering from pneumonia and is back on the fishy mask. Thankfully she is eating again and has started laughing and smiling lots! I am doing good too...know about all of my letter sounds and have started to enjoy mommy and daddy reading me stories more. Well I better go to bed if I am gonna be up in time to wake mommy and daddy up while it's still dark...that's a tiring job, but I am sure they appreciate it!